January 2024


On Monday 6 Feb, we had a small team whom cleaned and sorted out the first consult room to be used while the “surgery” room is being prepared. Lights, a ceiling fan, and running water with a washing-up sink have been reinstated.

We had a lovely visitor on Tuesday who offered to paint both our rooms and assess our electricity – wow!  We also have a local business who have offered to assess the current old airconditioner.

We made a surgical light that will have to make do until funds become available to purchase a professional one.  A trestle table was purchased to put all our gear on. We are hoping that things will get easier for us when we are fully equipped, and we become less temporary in the allocated space.

It was an action-packed day performing 3 dog spays (one with complications), 1 female cat spay, and 1 cat castration.  Contributors (and potential) to the clinic will be invited to inspect developments. Planning for the event is underway with invitations being sent out via email in due course.


Whilst on leave, Dr Caty sourced a used operating table and an aesthetic machine at very little cost from a charity facility based in Australia, together with other useful odds and ends. Thank you to Trade & Farm Vanuatu, for offering to bring our items into the country, with their imports, which is an enormous help.
We have been in urgent need of a sterilizer for our surgical instruments. Today we received the good news that the Holiday Inn Port Vila, Vanuatu would generously sponsor this vital piece of equipment.


A surgery light!  Due to the expensive nature of this item, we need to ask other charitable organisations to assist us.  Does anybody have connections to other charity or donor avenues who could help us to reach out for help?
A small fridge
4 Plastic chairs for our waiting room
Dog crates & Cat traps
Vinyl flooring 6m x 6m
2 Eskys (for our mobile operations)
White Board & Pens
An air-conditioner for our surgical room if the current one cant be used
Dog and cat food plus old towels to send patients home with
Disposable items, e.g. Paper towels, rubbish bin bags, rubber gloves, hand sanitizer, cleaning agents, and cloths are always useful.




We are pleased to advise that we now have our bank account. Whilst it is easy for local donations into our BRED Bank account, we need to have a facility for international donations. We are in the process of finalizing this which means anybody, from anywhere, can use a debit/credit card and pay directly into our charity account.

Bred Bank

Current Account – Business

Account Number : 012968510100017

Account Name : Ava Animal Welfare Animals Vanuatu Association

Swift Code : BREDVUVU



Cruelty continues to be a challenging community issue. It is expensive to stitch animals up after deliberate injuries and some require fostering and intensive care, until they can either go back to their homes or be adopted. We would be grateful to have some other foster carers to help spread the load. People who care about animal cruelty should educate others within our communities.


The administrator for another Facebook page, Vanuatu Pets, has generously handed over its ownership to AVA and we have reserved it for adoptions only. It has a membership base that is growing slowly. Over the past month, several adoptions have occurred. It has been a rewarding experience to meet some of the families taking on adoptees. We are hoping to build good relationships via this social media channel.

A special thank you to Air Taxi for supporting our adoption process by delivering an adoptee to Santo Island.


During January, two young ni-Vanuatu students spent time with Dr Holly. This is part of our youth inclusion activities we wish to concentrate on this year. This program will be offered again next school holidays. We have been invited to do a presentation Vila Central High School on their Career Guidance Day which will include some animal welfare teaching and a live puppy demonstration.


One of the critical challenges we currently face is the lack of skilled vet nurses. AVA envisages training an enthusiastic young person, equipping them with basic skills with the possibility to further their training in New Zealand by enrolling for a 1–2-year diploma.
We are currently exploring two Australian volunteer vets to come to Vanuatu to assist us in remote areas in April or May. This will take some considerable organisation which requires discounted or free accommodation during their visit.


Through our fundraising efforts, we have met wonderful individuals, business owners, and managers. We plan to build long-lasting and special relationships with these community members. We would like to thank Catherine Boudier who secured a new donor, FX Primus, and as always, the General Manager of Holiday Inn, Rashmi Tulsiani, for her continued support!


Dr Caty has sourced some space in which to do two clinics in March. One will be for her clients and an AVA clinic later on in the year. Modern cat traps are urgently to address the large cat populations on Aore Island. If you can help with traps, cages, and catching feral cats, please contact us directly. Alternatively, we would like to use existing social media feeds in Santo to secure some funding and community support.


We are currently exploring two areas of Efate`: Lelepa Island and Eton. Such an undertaking requires strong Chieftain support, community engagement and commitment, as well as collective organisation, to be successful.


CAN YOU DONATE AN ITEM TO OUR CLINIC?   Please reach out, we are happy to collect.

CAN YOU DONATE to our bank account to help us in any way?   Your support will ensure our success!

Bred Bank

Current Account – Business

Account Number : 012968510100017

Account Name : Ava Animal Welfare Animals Vanuatu Association


Please use your email address as your reference so we can reach out to thank you!

We are happy to collect any cheques too!



Managing Adoptions


Clinic help


As little or as much time as you can give us.